Want to try Curvy Yoga for free?

We’d love for you to do that! You can find our free videos right here. If you love them and want to join us, use the code CURVY to get 50% off your first month!

Want to join our email newsletter?

We’d love that! Our monthly-ish Sunday newsletter is the absolute best place to find us (we’re not currently active on social media). You can sign up right here!

Want to become a Curvy Yoga teacher?

We’d love to have you join our teaching community! We are currently offering a continuing education program for people who are already teachers or who are in process on their 200hr yoga teacher training program. You can learn more about that here

Want us to review or share your product?

Thank you; we appreciate you thinking of us! However, we do not do product reviews or affiliate marketing of any kind.

Have a question that’s not answered here or just want to send us a curvy hello?

Fill out the form below, and we’ll be (write) back. We love to hear from you!

Not a fan of forms? Email us: support@curvyyoga.com