Meet the May Curvy Yoga Teachers!

Oh, I have such a great life getting to work with smart and talented women like the ones I’m about to introduce to you! I can’t wait for you to get to know and practice with them! To see the complete list of Curvy Yoga certified teachers, please click here. And to learn more about getting certified yourself, check this out.

Toni Clayton

Location: Westville, NJ

Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice & your teaching.
I have such a huge amount of gratitude for the practice of yoga–I believe it is helping me become the person the universe intended me to be–a person who loves to help others. My practice and teaching definitely mirror each other; I feel that is the only way for both to be authentic. I usually have a general idea of where each is headed, but I’m not a big planner, so things kind of unfold as it goes along.

Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community?
First,  from talking to other teachers and studio owners, I know there is a definite need in the area. Second, I know what it feels like when being afraid of not fitting in and have been waylaid from doing things because of it. I would like to be part of the solution for people who have felt the same way…so they can decide for themselves whether or not yoga is for them.

What can folks expect when they take a class from you?
Levity, accessibility, exploration, encouragement–whether it be to stop and listen to what is going on in their body or consciousness–to use props, modifications,  or to find their edge. At the end of a class I often like to encourage people to do whatever pose feels right before settling into Savasana.

What has been your favorite part of the certification process?
My conversations with Anna. Also the feeling, especially after our calls, that this was such the right direction for me to be going in. There was never any doubt.

How can people get in touch with you?
Please feel free to message me! And hit the like/follow button! You can find me on my website, Facebook page and Twitter.

Deborah Dilley

Deboray Dilley
Location: Salt Lake City, UT

Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice & your teaching.
For me, yoga is all about transitions. How you get to each pose is left up to you: a good transition can make your mind and body calm enough that movement becomes instinctive, and a bad transition can distract you from your practice or even worse result in a situation where you are stuck with no way out.  Ultimately, the only way to truly make it through a transition is to completely surrender unto it. There is this beautiful moment in the sun salutation where you are standing in Tadasana and then lift your arms skyward to stand in Urdhva Hastasana, your heart open and ready to receive.  From there you spread your arms out wide and dive slowly forward in to Uttanasana, forward fold.  I love that transition.  Each time I do it, I feel like I am falling…falling in love….with myself.  In my teaching, I want everyone to feel that same sense of falling in love with themselves that I do in that transition.

Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community?
Well, to be brutally honest, I live in a community where there is very little body diversity. I’ve been made to feel less than, sneered at in gyms, or even worse….given a little pat on the top of head for making an effort to move.  I live and move through life on a regular basis; I don’t want a little gold star from society just for showing up.  I know that others feel the same way, but they might not have the same stubborn streak that I do that makes me constantly go out and shatter others’ misconceptions about how my size relates to the core of who I am.

What can folks expect when they take a class from you?
An eclectic mix of fat activism, mindful movement, body-loving yoga, and a touch of outright silliness.

What has been your favorite part of the certification process?
The mentoring and one-on-one time with Anna!  In going through my 200 hour RYT certification, I’ve felt a little panicked; I know how to teach and what I want to do…but I needed help with the transition from point A to point B.  This is where Anna has been the biggest help, in giving me the confidence to start this journey.

How can people get in touch with you?
They can connect with me at my website and on Facebook and Twitter.

Debbie Phelan

Debbie Phelan
Location: Knoxville, TN

Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice & your teaching.
I love when I am on my mat either practicing or teaching.  Life never feels so good, so right.  I feel such a deep passion, and I love to share that feeling with whoever joins me.

Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community?
Our yoga community is maybe a little closed box, so with Curvy yoga we can expand that box into a big circle.  In that circle we can embrace everyone regardless of size.  I know yoga is for everyone; we just need to find that right fit.

What can folks expect when they take a class from you?
In my class you can always expect the unexpected.  My intention as a teacher is to always nourish the mind, body, and spirit.  We might laugh; we might cry.  One thing you will always be, though, is safe and supported with whatever arises.

What has been your favorite part of the certification process?
The favorite part of this certification is speaking to Anna; my phone lights up when it hears her voice.  Each time she laughs I see that huge smile she has. She has shared such a huge amount of information.  New choices for poses, different ways to present classes, oh so much.

How can people get in touch with you?
You can reach me on Facebook or by email at yogablessings(at)live(dot)com. Look for my website coming soon.

Chastidy Whitaker

Chastidy Whitaker
Location: Virginia Beach, VA

Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice & your teaching.
My personal practice and my teaching constantly evolves to the needs of my mind, body and soul as well as what my students need psychically and mentally. It’s a relationship based on balance, self-love and respect.

Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community?
When I began practicing yoga, I lived in NYC; it was very intimidating and appeared to be ego driven. Now living in Virginia Beach, it’s a very athletic city with tons of hardcore yogis. I want to bring Curvy yoga to my area because I have always felt the plus size population to be under represented in the yoga community and wanted to make sure there was a safe place for yogis of all sizes and abilities to practice.

What can folks expect when they take a class from you?
My classes are dynamic and challenging yet they are accessible to all. It’s a fun, positive environment where people of all shapes, sizes and abilities can feel safe to explore the many benefits of yoga.

What has been your favorite part of the certification process?
The one-on-one support of a knowledgeable yoga teacher who gets it and knows how to work the curves. It has been a true blessing to share the journey with someone who truly understands.

How can people get in touch with you?
People can learn more about my classes by checking out the studio where I teach Curvy Yoga classes (Studio Bamboo). They can also email me at Chastidy221(at)hotmail(dot)com.

6 thoughts on “Meet the May Curvy Yoga Teachers!

  1. AAAhhhhhhh! I was so excited reading these, that I wanted to jump up and down!! And make loud noises!!! Congrats ladies!!!!

  2. Anna, great post! I LOVE learning about all the different instructors who are blazing new trails and bringing joyful movement and body love to their towns. I think it’s absolutely amazing that you’ve started what I can only refer to as a revolution by training instructors in curvy yoga and creating a positive, uplifting environment in class. The impact of that is really incredible.

    1. Thank you! It is definitely a joy to do this and know that opportunities are opening up for folks to practice comfortably and safely all over the world!

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