Welcome Our October Curvy Yoga Teachers

YAY! We have a wonderful group of new Curvy Yoga teachers this month from our June Evening Group! I am excited to share them all with you! To see a full list of our Curvy Yoga Certified teachers, please click here.

Kristine Korosec

KristineLocation: Markham, Ontario CANADA

Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice and your teaching. My relationship with Yoga is a ever evolving romance, one that continues to develop and deepen as the years go by.  A lover of Vinyasa Yoga as well as a Mother and a Partner my practice has developed into a personal journey of a love for movement along with the peace and joy that it brings both on & off the Mat. As a E-RYT with the Yoga Alliance along with a Registered Early Childhood Educator currently teaching at Forward Motion Yoga here in Markham.  My classes include Hatha, Ashtanga as well as a new offering of Curvy Yoga classes.

Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community? Simply put by a student one day  “…Oh you’re the Instructor…”  I have a strong belief that Yoga is available to every body.  There is no one shape, or size that fits this practice, rather one needs to be comfortable within themselves.  Not just your body but within your mind.  The peace along with the sense of awareness it brings is one  a feeling I love to share with those who choose to step onto a Mat within my classes.

What can folks expect when they take a class from you? A journey inwards filled with movement along with breath work, to help  you reconnect within.  Step onto the Mat and look into the mirror of yourself.  It is my belief that everyone should be able to experience Yoga within their body, with the use of breath and modifications. I look forward to sharing your yoga journey. No matter if this is the beginning of your journey, or if it has been a regular practice.

What has been your favorite part of the certification process? Learning about Curvy Yoga as well as developing a deeper knowledge of modifications within Curvy Bodies, as well as learning how to incorporate the postures into all my classes.  I have thoroughly enjoyed Anna’s teachings, and will continue to follow her teachings.

How can people get in touch with you? @beachbrat90 on Twitter, www.forwardmotionyoga.com is where I am currently teaching or through email kdownesl@yahoo.com

April Cox

aprilLocation: Palm Bay, FL

Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice and your teaching. I started going to yoga about 6 years ago because I wanted to lose weight; I needed some form of exercise, and I certainly wasn’t going to the gym. Yoga appeared to be the easiest of my choices, because it was just stretching, right??  WRONG!!  I was in no way prepared for the journey that I was about to take or for the fact that I was going to fall in love with yoga!

Through the years, yoga has literally changed my life- in all aspects. I’ve overcome a lot of my fears/insecurities, I’ve lost weight (but am still curvy J,) my bursitis is gone, my migraines are reduced, and I have an overall more positive approach to everything.

Since I started a serious practice, I have started to live life with more patience, kindness, and compassion than I knew I even possessed. I’ve learned more about myself in the past 6 years that I’ve been practicing yoga than I learned in the 34 years prior and am still amazed at the transformation my life has taken.  I never anticipated that I would be on the other side of the yoga mat, but when the owner of the yoga studio that I practice at asked me to join the certification program, there was no hesitation!

I’ve been teaching for just over a year now, and my goal when I am on that side of the mat is to connect with students in such a way that I am relatable to them- whether it’s because we are both curvy, because they had a tough day at work, or simply because it’s Monday and we didn’t let anything get in-between us and the mat.  I enjoy helping students learn more about themselves and what they are capable of and I enjoy watching them grow their practices.

Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community? I want to bring Curvy Yoga to the community because I can remember my first yoga class and how much it was NOT a curvy-friendly class.  I sat in my car after that class and cried, because I wasn’t quite sure if I did it right; I was frustrated, sweaty, HOT, and certainly wasn’t sure if I was going to come back again.  Luckily, the fact that I paid for an entire month drove me back to the mat.  🙂 I know that I would have been considerably more comfortable and would have fallen in love with yoga much faster had my instructor understood my curvy point of view.  If I help just one curvy student fall in love with yoga, then I will deem my efforts a success!

What can folks expect when they take a class from you? I like to take a light hearted approach to class- if anything becomes too serious, it’s not enjoyable.  I like to be relatable to my students, and strive to be as open and kind as possible.  I share as much about yoga and the postures that I can, without sending students in to overload.  Class sequences are broken down in to accessible segments so that everyone is able to find that sweet spot.

What has been your favorite part of the certification process? I have really enjoyed the interaction with Anna and all of the other students and teachers.  It’s great to hear other people’s perspectives and to share successes/struggles.  I love the sense of community I now have with being Curvy Certified!

How can people get in touch with you? For now, most of my contact and interaction is taking place on my Facebook page. I can also be reached via email:  apricox.yoga@gmail.com

Mindy Hanzlik

IMG_0226Location: Chicago, IL

Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice and your teaching. I started doing yoga to relieve stress and as a way to start getting fit. I had so little confidence in my body and was terrified that people would judge me for being fat…it took me almost 10 years to work up the courage to do yoga in public, which is ridiculous.  I’m kind of high strung by nature…yoga keeps me grounded and focused, and gives me a foundation to tackle the world. Yoga has helped me understand how strong and powerful my body is. It has prepared me to take on other physical challenges like running 5ks and becoming a cyclist.  It has even prompted a career change…I’ve opened a yoga studio here in Chicago with the specific goal of making yoga accessible to anyone who wants to try.  I am living proof that yoga can change your life. Plus, it is a heck of a lot of fun.

Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community? I know I’m not the only one out there who has used my fear of exercise or of being a fish out of water at the gym as a reason to stay firmly planted on my couch. I believe strongly that there are people of all shapes and sizes who let unnecessary obstacles keep them from getting healthier.  I’ve become a Curvy Yoga teacher and opened my studio so that I could give people like me a chance to meet up, try new things and have a bit of fun without feeling out of place.

What can folks expect when they take a class from you? I’m chatty and quirky, and this comes out in my teaching. Though I always have a plan for my classes, if students have special requests or things they want to work on, I change things up to give people what they need. I encourage students to ask questions so they understand how to make each pose work for their bodies.  And I generally teach to some pretty unconventional music choices…it is not unheard of for the class to break out of a Warrior II to do the Cupid Shuffle or to kick out of Tree pose to the HUH in Kung Fu Fighting.

What has been your favorite part of the certification process? It’s been wonderful to learn from Anna’s wealth of experience teaching yoga, and to have a chance to engage with other teachers who are passionate about yoga for every body.

How can people get in touch with you? Either call or drop by our studio: Ganesha Yoga and Adventures in Fitness 3113 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago IL 60657 – 773-904-7870. We can also be found online at: www.ganeshayogachicago.com I have three weekly drop in classes, do lots of private instruction, and am expanding my schedule into some studios in the Chicago suburbs soon.  (Stay tuned!)

Tonya Bayne

tonyaLocation: Baltimore, MD

Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice and your teaching. I have been practicing yoga for more than 20 years and am now teaching in 2 locations in the Baltimore area

Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community?  I want everyone to know that everybody can do yoga.

What can folks expect when they take a class from you? To have a good time, to laugh, and to work their bodies in ways they might not have known they could.

What has been your favorite part of the certification process?  Spending time with Anna but most of all taking what I have learned and put into practice. To see someone’s face when they do a pose they thought they never would have been able to do, that is what it’s all about!

How can people get in touch with you?  They can call or text  me @ 410-274-9220 or email me @ takeoutyoga@gmail.com

Brenda Woolner

brenda_headshotLocation: HRM, Nova Scotia, Canada

Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice and your teaching. I am a Kripalu inspired Hatha yoga teacher.  I have been practicing different types of  yoga for the last 25 years and was certified to teach in July 2013. I have taken specialized trainings in chair yoga, rest and renew yoga  and divine sleep yoga nidra. I am 55 years old and off the mat I am social worker currently co-ordinating –  English Language Learning – a one on one tutoring program for new Canadians at our local library. My hobbies include reading, writing, music, theatre, arts and culture, travel. I specialize in offering classes that are gentle and restorative and safe for everyBODY to experience the benefits of yoga.

Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community?  I believe that curvy people have been excluded from the yoga community and I really feel that it is important for everyBODY to be able to do yoga in a safe and comfortable environment.

What can folks expect when they take a class from you? You will be encouraged to always modify poses as needed in order to  make it accessible for your body. If you take a Purple Door yoga class you will leave the class feeling rested and rejuvenated and hopefully more able to face your life with ease and grace.

What has been your favorite part of the certification process? I have appreciated Anna’s sweet and knowledgeable spirit I was have embarked upon this training path.

How can people get in touch with you? See www.Brendawoolner.ca to open The Purple Door and see what I am offering in the community. I look forward to sharing a class with you someday!

ACJ Yoriginality2

One thought on “Welcome Our October Curvy Yoga Teachers

  1. Hey Kristine – looking good! Congratulations on this, so happy to bring it to our little house of Yoga! Cheryl xo

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