Meet the December Curvy Yoga Teachers!

Woot — can’t wait for you to meet this month’s amazing crew! 

Kim Genovese

Location: Fernie, BC, Canada

Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice and your teaching. I discovered yoga in 2006 and was drawn to it for the calming and grounding effects it had on my life. I studied and received my teacher training at Essential Yoga Studio in Fernie in 2009. I became a teacher with the hopes to inspire others on their path to discover yoga.  In my classes , I hope to offer  students a safe, gentle and nurturing environment to explore and discover yoga through the mind-body connection.

Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community?  I live in a very active community and felt the was a lot of emphasis on the very fit yoga student. Realizing we were missing a whole population of people that would not only benefit but would truly enjoy the Curvy experience. I came upon this wonderful program and started to teach it in my town this fall and have been met with a lot of positive feedback. Looking forward to future classes!

What can folks expect when they take a class from you? My hope is that the students coming to class will feel safe, accepted, and excited about the yoga experience.

What has been your favorite part of the certification process? The best part of the certification process has been the interaction with Anna.  She kept pushing me to go beyond my comfort zone and thinking outside my own little box.  I learned a lot about marketing myself and she helped me move forward in positive Curvy way!

How can people get in touch with you?  I hope to start my own facebook yoga page soon. Until then I can be reached at kimgenovese(at)hotmail(dot)com.

Kim Gray

Kim Gray

Location: Carbondale, IL

Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice and your teaching. I think of yoga as a healing/therapeutic practice, and I feel like that is something everyone should have the opportunity to experience. Sometimes the images we see can be intimidating and it is important to know that everyone needs this and is capable of finding a level of practice that works for their life and body.

Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community? Everyone needs a space to practice, and I like to be the guide on the side. Yoga isn’t always taught in an accessible manner…and I like to make sure options/modifications are available to everybody and every body.

What can folks expect when they take a class from you?  I think I’m amusing…hopefully those who attend will feel the same. I also want people to feel challenged, but simultaneously safe and successful. You can also expect props galore because I love how they can assist or enhance.

What has been your favorite part of the certification process? I enjoyed speaking with Anna. She is delightful, creative, helpful and encouraging.

How can people get in touch with you? I can be reached through my websitetwitter, or facebook.

Sonja Ostendorf

Sonja Ostendorf

Location: Fairborn, OH (where the Wright Brothers taught the world to fly!)

Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice and your teaching. My relationship with yoga started years ago. At least, my intrigue with yoga started years ago. I was mystified by the poses and by the graceful creatures who taught yoga. I’ve ‘dabbled’ with yoga for about 10 years and started a more serious yoga journey in the past 3 years. I’ve finally come to the realization that I’m a much happier person when yoga is a part of my daily life.

Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community?  I am bringing Curvy Yoga to my community because I want everyone to experience yoga before they decide if it’s ‘for’ them. Yoga is FOR every body!

What can folks expect when they take a class from you? My students can expect an honest dialogue about yoga, body image, body parts and how they all work together (or sometimes, how they are not working together & what we can do to alter that). They can expect to practice yoga in a community of other practitioners who are all on this yogic path together. Also, they can expect to be witness to my ‘music ADD’ when I have artists ranging from Pink to Taylor Swift to The Lumineers to Neil Diamond to Queen to Johnny Cash to Vivaldi — all in one yoga class…. or sometimes we have only the sweet sound of our breathing guiding our practice.

What has been your favorite part of the certification process? My favorite part has been brainstorming with Anna to think outside the ‘Curve’ 🙂 Yoga is no longer about cookie cutter size yoga poses that don’t fit everyone’s body and Anna is great about making yoga accessible to those of us w/curves.

How can people get in touch with you?  People can reach me at my website, on Twitter and on Facebook.

Benita Peters

Benita Peters

Location: Vista, CA

Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice and your teaching. My personal practice of yoga has changed considerably over the years. Now I focus more on connection with my body, tuning in to what I need in the moment.

Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community?  I really want to reach out to people who believe that they can’t do yoga. Curvy Yoga is perfect for anyone who thinks they can’t do yoga. Curvy Yoga will show them that they can do yoga and love it.

What can folks expect when they take a class from you? My classes are designed around the students present, so each student can be sure that I will make an effort to find out where they are, how they feel, and what they think they need. I check frequently during class with each student to assess their experiences with the poses and evaluate the next best steps.

What has been your favorite part of the certification process?  I have to say the opportunity to talk with Anna on a regular basis was invaluable. Anna has a gentle way of drawing out what I want to say and make suggestions based in my real world.

How can people get in touch with you?  People can email me at benita1(at)cox(dot)net.