My Perfectly Imperfect Curvy Yoga Journey


I began my journey with Curvy Yoga about three years ago. It has been a slow, twisting road, but the journey has been growth-filled. Originally, I thought of Curvy Yoga as something I could add to my teaching repertoire and something that would appeal to some of my students. Little did I know that I would grow to love this form of yoga and begin to love and accept my students and myself even more.

Opportunities for Growth

As a teacher of nine years with a background in hatha yoga, whose schooling comprised of a comparison study of yoga styles, I thought I had a good grasp on my students’ needs. I also thought I had an idea of what type of student Curvy Yoga would draw to my classes. I thought I was a deeply insightful and compassionate teacher who truly understood my students. In reality, I had A LOT to learn!

Perfectly Imperfect

It wasn’t until Curvy Yoga that I felt that I needed to get to know my students on a deeper level and learn more about their bodies because I was more concerned with their safety and their comfort during and after class. I felt a greater need to discuss difficult topics such as creating loving relationships with our bodies and the cultural constraints that society puts on women (and young girls). It forced me to look at myself and my beliefs about my own body.

You see, as a yoga teacher I had always felt great pressure to be thin and flexible and everything that society expects of a yoga teacher (and women in general). Everything that I am not. Curvy Yoga has taught me to accept my own imperfections (I call them perfectly imperfect) so that I can inspire others to do the same.

The Journey

That being said, this is a journey. I wake some days and don’t feel very inspiring. I wake some days and want to hide behind my own insecurities. It is a work in progress and that is a beautiful message to share with my students.

None of us wake one day and decide “I am going to love myself and never feel insecure.” I wish life worked that way, but it doesn’t. I have learned that we all share very similar insecurities, regardless of the package we come in.

Part of what I teach my students is that it is okay to have bad days and to feel bad; just get back up and try again. I use Tree pose as a metaphor for life. It’s not about standing still in the pose; it’s about wavering or falling, but making that crucial decision to get back up and try again and again and again. It’s about being okay with feeling insecure in one moment but making the decision to love yourself just where you are in that moment.

Through deeper communication and relation with my students I have gained so much as a teacher. I have closer connections with my students and this journey has made me a better teacher and a much better human. Thank you, Curvy Yoga, for this perfectly imperfect journey!


Suzanne Nicklas is a RN, IBCLC, E-RYT, RPYT, YACEP, Holistic Health Coach, Blogger and mother of five in the Charleston, SC, area. She is passionate about everything health and wellness. When she is not making essential oil blends, you can find her drinking coffee and enjoying life. Connect with her on her website, Facebook, Instagram, Etsyblog.