I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t say I’m great at letting myself rest. Okay, that’s actually the understatement of the year — I’m terrible at it!
In this week’s episode I’m sharing about how I recently realized that I’ve been unconsciously trying to get rest by doing things like scrolling social media, which (surprise, surprise) is far from restful, and how when I intentionally choose the rest I get, things shift in more meaningful ways.
I also talk about how important this is to being able to show up in the world how you want to and what all this has to do with what we’ve been discussing lately — presence and body acceptance. And yes, we have a guided meditation this week!
Show Notes
- My new book
- Enso — the meditation app I use
- The Book of Joy
- Filling Up to Share Out meditation
- Subscribe to this podcast in iTunes so you never miss an episode