The Seasons & Cycles of Yoga | Season 5, Episode 11

In our last episode we talked about the seasons and cycles of life. Did you know that applies to your yoga practice, too? In today’s episode I’m talking about how seeing and honoring the seasons of your yoga practice can keep you practicing more consistently over time — and with more kindness and less self-blame.

Show Notes

  • Reflection questions
    • 1. Looking back, what are some practice seasons/cycles you have experienced, even if you didn’t recognize them as such at the time?
    • 2. What grace do you need to extend your past self for being in a season/cycle you might not have recognized?
    • 3. What practice season(s)/cycle(s) are you in right now?
    • 4. What supports you or might support you during this season or cycle you’re in?
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