YAY! We have a wonderful group of new Curvy Yoga teachers this month from our June Evening Group! I am excited to share them all with you! To see a full list of our Curvy Yoga Certified teachers, please click here.
Kinan Zaitoun
Location: Richmond, Virginia
Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice and your teaching. I began practicing yoga over 11 years ago as a means to combat the stress in my life. Having suffered with an eating disorder, yoga gave me a healthy outlet- which along with a nutritionist and therapist, help me overcome this disease. In April 2013 I received my 200RYT and am currently enrolled in a 500hr/800hr Yoga Therapy Certification through Glenmore Yoga and Wellness Center.
Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community? Through teaching women with eating disorders, I discovered that many were bigger bodied and I wanted to be able to have the tools to help accommodate them more effectively and approach each with the level of care, and consideration they deserve. However, I also would like to introduce beginners to a yoga that embraces all body types in our area.
What can folks expect when they take a class from you? My approach to yoga is one from a therapeutic style. I love to tailor a class to offer something beneficial to each participant. My focus is on self-acceptance, body awareness and comfort in each class. I enjoy working with props, and offering many options for students to discover what they like best in each pose.
What has been your favorite part of the certification process? I love the actual classes where each student get a moment to talk about what they have been working on since the last meeting. The discussions have been informatative and filled with support for one another.
How can people get in touch with you? Glenmore Yoga and Wellness Center 10442 Ridgefield Parkway Richmond, VA 23233 804.741.5267 or email at peacefulprana@gmail.com
Julia Onnie-Hay
Location: Miami, FL
Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice and your teaching. I stumbled across yoga in college and was like, “Wow, this is exercise that is not all about losing weight or changing my body” and practiced off-and-on for a decade. This year, I kicked OUT all the unwelcome thoughts that said silly stuff like, “You can’t be a yoga teacher because you can’t fit into Lululemon yoga pants” and had a blast taking the 200-hour Raja Yoga Teacher Training at my home studio, 305 Yoga & Outreach. I’m a yoga junkie; yoga is like a gateway drug to healthier thoughts and behaviors. It’s also like my sanity medicine — it’s helping me learn to live in my body with love, gratitude and confidence. And Mama taught me to share, so I teach.
Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community? I want to bring Curvy Yoga everywhere! But here I am in Miami so I’ll start down here in the Magic City. Fortunately, Miami is home to so many gorgeous curvy ladies! All of us having healing to do – living in a curvy body in this society can be hard on the heart. Yoga’s helped me learn to feel at home in my curvy body (most of the time) and I wanna share that healing with my curvy sisters who may not feel at home in their bodies…or in a yoga studio. Let’s spend less time agonizing over how we hate our bodies and more time doing stuff like taking care of ourselves and being beckons of love and light, sound good?
What can folks expect when they take a class from you? 1- My own curvy self with a big smile on my face, excited that they are there. 2- Safe space for them to move and breath. 3- And I’m a herbalist, so herbs galore – flower essences, smudging, essential oil foot massages and other goodies.
What has been your favorite part of the certification process? E M P O W E R M E N T and C O N N E C T I O N.
Viva Curvy Yoga!
How can people get in touch with you? Call/Text – (305) 414-3673 Website – www.blessbotanicals.weebly.com
Lisa Lister

Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice and your teaching. Yoga has brought me home.It’s brought me into the most delicious, sometimes raw, but always truthful relationship with myself and this bountiful body that I’m currently in and no matter what internal conversations have been going on between us, when I come onto the mat, my body and I kiss and make up each and every time.Yoga gives us a opportunity to explore our landscape, to know ourselves and our bodies better through movement and total emBODYment – I want this for every woman – that’s why I teach.Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community? Love.Here in the western world, women are cutting and ‘enhancing’ chunks of their body in order to conform to an advertisers ideal of so-called perfection.Yoga takes us to a place before all that.A place where we are grateful and have mad respect for the beautiful, messy, imperfect bodies that we’re in. Where we dance at it’s edges and exist alongside any thoughts and feelings we might have about it.That place is love.What can folks expect when they take a class from you? An invitation to leave any thoughts or expectations about yoga, yourself, your life or other people at the door and enter a totally non-judgy space where together, we’ll awaken a delicious relationship with our bodies through the awesomeness of stretching, breathing and divine movement.
When we’ve moved and meditated, we’ll tune into the moon (it’s what all the awesome women do) and we’ll riff – heart to heart, woman to woman – while eating dark chocolate.
My classes are for ALL shapes, sizes, ages and abilities, in fact, it’s for any member o’ ladykind who wants to know her magick, feel her fire and fall in heart-thump-y love with her sweet-ass self.
What has been your favorite part of the certification process? Anna.
They say that when you need them, the teacher will appear. Anna is THAT teacher.
Big hearted, wise and loving – the information, insight, support and resources that Anna has provided throughout the certification process means that I am able to feel super comfy in passing on her wisdom, through me, to my students.
How can people get in touch with you? Head over to sassyology.com/sassy-she/sassy-flow/ where you can get more information about SASSY Flow and sign up for priority mail when in person and on-line classes launch.
Debra Benfield
Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice and your teaching. I have been dancing with yoga casually for about 10 years and actually practicing with more intention for about 4 years now. During a class on a Saturday morning about 6 years ago, I experienced an embodiment that I wanted to bring to my clients, so I spoke with my teacher about offering workshops together, which we have been doing ever since. About a year ago, it became clear to me that I wanted to bring yoga to more of my clients, so I started the journey of becoming a yoga teacher myself. Curvy yoga was a “just right” fit for me, as I feel so strongly aligned with the body-positive, inner-directed, empowering “Curvy Matifesto”! This may sound a bit over the top, but I genuinely feel as if my personal and professional evolution is culminating now in my offering this transformative experience to others. I better stop there!
Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community? I want to share the transformative power of yoga with everyone (as my friends and family clearly know!), but I have a special place in my heart for those who are struggling with eating, weight and body image. After more than 25 years of practice as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist specializing in the treatment of eating and weight issues, I am keenly aware of the disempowering experience of being uncomfortable with your body, no matter what your size, shape, gender, orientation, race or age. Through my clinical experience and through the growing body of research, I know that yoga can play a pivotal role in the healing of this personal and cultural struggle with eating and body. I am honored (and silly excited) to be able to incorporate Curvy Yoga into my work with individual clients and to be offering workshops and classes.
What can folks expect when they take a class from you? My sessions, workshops and classes offer a safe, compassionate and nurturing environment to support the process of embodiment. My intention is to teach with modifications that make yoga accessible for every Body. My deepest desire is for my students to leave with a feeling of greater ease and sense of confidence within their own bodies. I am committed to creating an experience where clients use poses to be in their bodies rather than using their bodies to be in poses.
What has been your favorite part of the certification process? Choosing a favorite part of the Curvy Yoga Certification process is like asking me to choose a favorite book, food or flower-I love so many!! But if I were pushed to make a choice, I would say that my favorite part of the certification process was learning and practicing modifications so that poses are accessible. A close second is learning empowering languaging with which I can lead my students into and out of poses-SO important. I think I will be spending time on this the rest of my teaching life! I am so very grateful to Anna and the Curvy Yoga community for all that I have learned and am continuing to learn.
How can people get in touch with you? Online at www.BodyInMindNutrition.com
On Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/BodyInMindNutrition
On Twitter at @dlbenfieldRDN
On Instagram at http://instagram.com/dlbenfieldrdn
Via email Debra@bimnutrition.com
Whitney Simpson
Location: Nashville, TN
Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice and your teaching. Unfortunately, it was crisis that brought me to my yoga mat. Fortunately, it was healing that kept me on my yoga mat. My practice began after a surprising stroke and brain surgery in 2005. A doctor “prescribed” yoga for the chronic pain that ensued and my journey toward healing began. While I had challenges on the mat to start, my teacher was wonderful to provide modifications that worked with my body! At times, I doubted that yoga could help me feel better and swayed a bit from my practice. Thankfully, my doubts didn’t last long. I returned to regular practice and discovered the healing of breath and movement for my body and my soul. Today, yoga offers my body, mind, and spirit space for growth and healing on this journey of life.
My healing journey has led me toward certification as a spiritual director, retreat leader and yoga instructor. Currently, I offer private yoga and spiritual direction sessions as well as weekly yoga classes. Each is designed for yogis of all shapes, sizes, and abilities and includes an extra emphasis on care of the soul.
Yes, my relationship with yoga has changed my body. But, most importantly, it has been life-giving for my spirit. I’m thankful this practice has offered me an opportunity to explore peace with body, mind, and spirit.
Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community? Since pose modifications were foundational for my yoga practice, I desired the knowledge to share yoga that could be modified for each individual. Curvy Yoga helps me offer yoga for individuals who (like me) may not otherwise have felt comfortable stepping on a yoga mat. Anna’s formula for teaching aligns beautifully for yogis of all shapes, sizes, and abilities and meets them at their stage on the journey. I truly believe that “the journey awakens the soul.” Yoga has been a foundational part of my own journey and I hope that through offering “curvy friendly” classes and private sessions, others will be open to experiencing it as a tool for healing on their journey as well.
What can folks expect when they take a class from you? Yogis can expect a welcome and friendly environment, an opportunity to listen to their body and soul, a safe space, a moment of peace, a listening ear, and time to simply make space for wholeness and healing – both on and off the mat.
What has been your favorite part of the certification process? Community. I’m a sucker for passionate like-minded people who have a desire to share health and wellness on the journey of life.
How can people get in touch with you? You can find out more at www.exploringpeace.com. Exploring Peace is my little corner of the world where I encourage and companion others on their own journey toward peace.
For those local to Nashville (or Mt. Juliet), you’ll find details to schedule a private session (and the first one is always free). Group classes and upcoming soul care retreats for 2014 are also listed at the blog. Free resources and opportunities will be added in 2014 for those who are not in the Nashville area. So, be sure to connect on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram to stay up-to-date!
And, may you find peace on your journey.
Jennifer Mueller
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice and your teaching. Born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah, Prana Yoga co-owner Jennifer-Ellen (E-RYT 500), fell in love with yoga while living and working in New York City in 2000. Her teaching style is reflective of her desire to share the potency and transformative power of yoga, in an accessible and at times, humorous way.
From her very first class, yoga felt like coming home to Jennifer-Ellen. Slowly, over the past 12 years of her continuous engagement with the process of yoga, she has felt the transformational potential of yoga on a cellular level. She believes that yoga can help those who practice it to feel more at peace, healthier in body and mind, and steadier, internally.
Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community? I truly believe that everybody deserves yoga. To move, breathe, connect to and feel empowered in one’s own body is our birthright. I love that Curvy Yoga welcomes ALL shapes, sizes and ability levels.
What can folks expect when they take a class from you? A warm, compassionate, goofy & deeply dedicated guide to help them discover their practice.
What has been your favorite part of the certification process? I really enjoyed connecting with Anna & the other yoginis. The group support & exchange of ideas was wonderful. I loved the videos, the book & the perspective that Anna has developed.
How can people get in touch with you? I can be reached via email at jenniferellen@pranayogaslc.com or online at www.pranayogaslc.com
Karen Bratton
Location: Las Vegas Nevada
Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice and your teaching. I’ve been practicing for just about four and a half years. I started out with yoga in a gym setting but soon found I was needing more but not sure what that was. Eventually I mustered up the courage to walk into a studio (I was intimidated as I thought studios we’re for other people, surely not me!). However what I found the first time I went to a class was a caring loving environment and who turned out to be my mentor. I was hooked! After about a year I participated in a Level One Training and an Anatomy Training with YogaFit. I then began to teach classes at my karate school with the guidance of my mentor. About a year after that I decided I wanted to become certified through YogaWorks and I got my 200 hour certification in June of 2013.
Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community? I decided to obtain certification in Curvy Yoga so I could hopefully bring the wonderful practice of Yoga to more people. To have a class that is more accommodating to all body shapes and sizes is something I think very important and definitely lacking in my community. With this class I hope to get more and more people moving, breathing and smiling!
What can folks expect when they take a class from you? I’m a nurturer by nature, so I really enjoy making people feel comfy and happy. My classes change depending on the vibe we’ve got going. Sometimes we are going to have a slower stretchy type class and some days we are going to sweat a lot more. I’m very much pro props and modifications if needed so I encourage a lot of that! We do “work” but I fully encourage going at your own pace and your own ability. Also, I’m not a very serious person so we giggle a little and have some fun!
What has been your favorite part of the certification process? Plainly put, Anna. She has such a warm heart and is so thoroughly engaged that it really made me feel welcome and genuinely listened to.
How can people get in touch with you? I can be reached via email at karenbrattonlv@gmail.com, by phone at (702) 374-8765 or online at karenbratton.tumblr.com
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