Welcome Our June Curvy Yoga Teachers!

YAY! We have a wonderful group of new Curvy Yoga teachers this month and am excited to share them all with you! To see a full list of our Curvy Yoga Certified teachers, please click here.

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg

CarynLocation: Lawrence, Kansas, U.S. Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice and your teaching: One of my biggest life surprises was falling in love with yoga when I was in my early 40s when I was diagnosed with cancer. My second knock-my-socks off yoga surprise was realizing I wanted to become a yoga teacher. I started teaching regularly in 2011, knowing that eventually I would want to study Curvy Yoga because I’m curvy myself and I know so well how important it is for us to reclaim our strength, beauty and power on and off the mat. Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community? By engaging in the lifelong art of conversation with our bodies, and learning to honor whatever we encounter, we can cultivate greater tenderness and curiosity toward our whole selves. While I realize the sense that we’re not “not enough” or “way too much” is deeply-engrained in many of us, and I don’t have any easy answers for quickly transforming shame into pride, I do know that practicing yoga in a welcoming community, that also encourages people to listen to their own bodies, is the pathway home. What can folks expect when they take a class from you? I want all my classes to be as peaceful, happily energizing and friendly as possible. I encourage people to take direction most of all from their own bodies, looking for ways to work with our edges, that place where we can grow our strength, flexibility and endurance without tripping into injury. I also start each class by asking people to breathe into their being and find what their deepest intention or calling is for this moment in their lives, and we return to that intention or calling throughout the class to see what additional images, words, or sensations have arrived. What has been your favorite part of the certification process? I really enjoyed putting together a Curvy sequence and reading about the sequences others in the class put together. Such mixing and matching of asanas to make a class fascinate me. Also, being a bit of a website/blog geek, I enjoyed the marketing discussion and materials immensely. How can people get in touch with you? Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg – CarynMirriamGoldberg@gmail.com. My website http://CarynMirriamGoldberg.com My Curvy Yoga page: http://carynmirriamgoldberg.com/yoga/curvy-yoga/

Chrysecolla Taico

Chrysecolla_headshot_LowRezLocation: Chapel Hill/Carrboro, NC Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice and your teaching: Yoga is a healing practice for me, both on the mat and in my life. Practicing in classes and at home gives me a space to get in touch with my emotions, thoughts and body to see how I’m doing and move any stuck energy that’s bogging me down. When I’m on the mat and an emotion comes up to the surface I feel grateful for having the practices of pranayama and asana to help me experience it and move through it. Practicing as a licensed clinical social worker with people who are recovering from eating disorders, low self-esteem, disordered eating and negative body image I turn to yoga often to help guide people towards reconnecting with their bodies. When I’m teaching yoga classes, intentions of body-kindness and practicing tuning into the inner voice for guidance are encouraged. Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community? I believe that yoga is for every body, regardless of size, shape, race, sexual orientation, color or ability. I want to bring Curvy Yoga to my community so that more bodies find their way to the healing that yoga can offer them. What can folks expect when they take a class from you? My classes are infused with body kindness practices, such as being gentle, listening to what you need individually, repeating body positive mantras, breathing in acceptance and using the breath as a vehicle for connection. My pose sequences are suggested with several variations to allow each student to pick what feels right for them in every pose. Chairs are often used as props to give support and allow students to build strength as they go. What has been your favorite part of the certification process? I loved our group discussions about body image and yoga! I also greatly appreciated the instruction and video’s Anna provided to help educate all of us on how to lead safe and nurturing curvy classes. How can people get in touch with you? My website: www.chrysecollayoga.wordpress.com via email: chrysecollayoga@gmail.com or on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram: Chrysecolla Yoga

Cynthia Chasteen

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALocation: Edwardsville, IL Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice and your teaching. As a student, my practice has grown immensely because of my dedication and focus to staying in the moment and shutting off the monkey brain.  I am still a new teacher, and I love learning—both from formal workshops as well as from my teachers and students. Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community? I think that yoga should be accessible for all and a Curvy class would fill a hole that I feel exists in my community’s offerings. What can folks expect when they take a class from you? I am dedicated to my yoga practice and will be a great guide in their journey. What has been your favorite part of the certification process? I have enjoyed all the new information that Anna has shared with us that has helped me cultivate new perspectives regarding my own body image as well as that of my students and provided me with new vocabulary to guide Curvy students. How can people get in touch with you? As of right now, email is the best:  epicdevi@gmail.com

Susan Kotelman

susanLocation: Anchorage, Alaska Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice and your teaching. I reluctantly sought out yoga because of a back injury.  After my first class my back felt a little better but more importantly I had a sense of relaxation and well-being that I hadn’t experienced before.  In my teaching I try to be a guide for my students so they can find their own way. Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community? I am usually the biggest girl in my yoga classes and I know how much effort it took for me to go to an actual yoga studio- I was terrified!  I believe yoga should be accessible to everyone but especially curvy people.  It is a way to find some peace and acceptance with the bodies that we so often resent and struggle with. What can folks expect when they take a class from you? In my classes we strive to treat ourselves with kindness, work at our own level, practice developing body acceptance and an overall sense of well-being.  We use as many props as we need and end class with a loving kindness meditation. What has been your favorite part of the certification process? My favorite part of the certification process has been the interaction with other women who are working towards body acceptance and body positive yoga. How can people get in touch with you? I can be found via email: susankotelman@gmail.com or online: www.yogaforyoursoul.com

Chris Howell

chris howellLocation: Alexandria, Virginia Tell us a little about your relationship with yoga — both your practice and your teaching. For years I  looked nervously into the doorway of my local yoga studio wondering, should I try this? can I do this?  will it be “weird”?  When I finally got up the nerve to take my first class — at age 50 — I was hooked!   As I progressed in my practice, I noticed that as my body became stronger and lighter, so did my mind and my spirit.  Inspired by the peace and vitality I experienced through yoga, I completed the 200 hour Holistic Teacher Training at the Pure Prana — the very studio I was too nervous to walk into for years! I truly believe that yoga is for every body and it is my intention and inspiration to create a fun and accessible yoga experience for students of all shapes, sizes, ages and abilities,  This intention has led me to pursue further training and certification in making yoga accessible and available to a wide variety of people.  In addition to my initial 200 hour RYT training, I am certified in Therapeutic Yoga and Curvy Yoga (yay!) and in November will be spending a week at the Duke University Center for Integrative Medicine pursuing an certificate in teaching yoga to seniors. Why do you want to bring Curvy Yoga to your community? There are many different styles, schools and traditions of yoga, and I believe that yoga is beneficial for everyone, no matter what their size, shape or age.  It’s just a matter of finding the practice that is right for you.  Curvy Yoga classes allow students to find joy and grace in movement in a safe, supportive environment — and who doesn’t want that?!! What can folks expect when they take a class from you? Yoga is fun! In my classes we’ll re-awaken to the joy of moving our bodies, experiencing peace and vitality in mind, body and spirit as we move in harmony with the breath.  Poses are deconstructed and explained, modifications are offered and sequences are constructed to allow all students to enjoy moving their bodies and being part of a welcoming and supportive yoga community. What has been your favorite part of the certification process? Well, I loved it all, but most of all I loved the opportunity to connect with Anna through our online classes, her videos and by email.  Her light-hearted spirit and easy approach come through loud and clear even in an email and her joy in what she is teaching is inspiring. How can people get in touch with you? You can reach me at:  howell.chris11@gmail.com or my cell phone 703.409.6629 (call or text) I will begin teaching Curvy classes on October 15 at Pure Prana Yoga Studio in Alexandria, Virginia, located at  101 S. Patrick St in Old Town.  You can contact the studio at www.pureprana.com or by telephone at 703.836.7873. Please note that I will be out of the country from September 25 through October 9 so may not be able to respond if you contact me during that time.  But do know that I will get back to you as soon as I return!